Thursday, November 1, 2012

FIT Test Instructions

FIT Test Instructions
Warm Up:
1.      Stretch all major muscles groups: neck, arms and back, abs and obliques, legs- hamstrings, calves, quadriceps. Hold each stretch for about 10 seconds.
2.      Run in place lightly for about 30 seconds. Then, rotate arms in big circles forward about 15 seconds and then backwards for about 15 seconds. Repeat both.
Fit Test:
1.      For each exercise, do as many repetitions as you can in 50 seconds.
2.      Record that number under the Day 1 column. Be sure to put the date next to Day 1.
3.      If you need to simplify, take a break or stop, do so and then try to get back into it for however many seconds are left.
4.      Rest for 30 seconds to no more than 1 minute and then move on to the next exercise.
5.      If you need to drink water in between each exercise, take small sips.
Cool Down:
1.      Step touch from side to side for about 1 minute while moving arms in various motions.
2.      Walk slowly and lightly in place for about 30 seconds.
3.      Begin stretches working your way from your legs up.
4.      Walk slowly and lightly in place for another 30 seconds or so until you feel you’re heart rate slow down.
5.      Drink lots of water.
6.      If you eat soon after (within an hour), be sure to eat something that is high in protein and nutritious. Your body was just shocked and it’s going to need the proper fuel for a quick and effective recovery.
7.      Soreness is to be expected as this type of fit test/ workout. Stretch regularly between workouts. Drink lots of water.

You can do this! I believe in you!

Quote of the week: “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.” ~Anonymous

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