Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Workout #2: No More Excuses

Adult  Fitness Workout # 2:   
50 seconds on & 30 seconds rest for 3 rounds

Don’t forget to stretch and warm up before and after. Drink lots of water.

Mountain Climbers
                 Simplified:  Go slow, stop when necessary            
                 Advanced: Go as quickly as you can w/o sacrificing form, knees to elbows
Push Ups w Shoulder Taps
                 Simplified: Stay on knees, replace shoulder taps with pauses
                 Advanced: Add a plank jack in between push ups
Scissor Jumps
                Simplified: Pause between jumps
                Advanced: Jump into a squat and pull up to switch
Leg Raises
               Simplified: Kept small of back on floor, bend knees
               Advanced: Keep legs perfectly straight, straddle in air, slow on lower
Traveling Lunges
               Simplified: Stay stationary, take time
               Advanced: Use something weighted and rotate with each step

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