Thursday, November 1, 2012


Day 1:
Day 30:
Day 60:
Day 90:
Run with High Knees
(keep chest up/knees high)

Push Ups (core tight/head level)

Jumping Jacks (incl arms/high as possible/ to sides)

Plank Hold (body flat/ arms locked/shldr wrist line up)

Squat Jumps (touch floor/sit back/ 90degree angle)

Lunges (altenate legs/step forward and push off/90d)

Burpees (back flat/ feet in/ reach for sky)

Tuck Jumps (knees as high as possible/ land softly)

Crunches (lift shoulder blades off floor/reach for knees)

Simulated Jump Roping (feet together/ light landing)

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