Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Workout #3: It Will Hurt

Adult  Fitness Workout # 3:   
50 seconds on & 30 seconds rest for 3 rounds

Don’t forget to stretch and warm up before and after. Drink lots of water.

Crab Kicks
Simplified:  Go slow, lower leg and switch without kick       
Advanced: Keep bum high and go sharp with the kicks

Towel Shoulder Press with Row (stand in center squat)
Simplified: Don’t use towel, stand if squat hold too difficult
Advanced: Use weighted ball, maximum effort

Side Lunge w Floor Taps
Simplified: Go slow, step together then step out alternate leg
Advanced: Add jump between legs, push bum as far to floor as possible

Side Leg Lifts
Simplified: Bring body to sides if leg lift too difficult
Advanced: Add standing rotation to each side leg lift

Basic Burpees
Simplified: Go slow and lower one limb at a time, raise and reach up
Advanced: Add plank jack & push up to make it a dynamic bur pee

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Workout #2: No More Excuses

Adult  Fitness Workout # 2:   
50 seconds on & 30 seconds rest for 3 rounds

Don’t forget to stretch and warm up before and after. Drink lots of water.

Mountain Climbers
                 Simplified:  Go slow, stop when necessary            
                 Advanced: Go as quickly as you can w/o sacrificing form, knees to elbows
Push Ups w Shoulder Taps
                 Simplified: Stay on knees, replace shoulder taps with pauses
                 Advanced: Add a plank jack in between push ups
Scissor Jumps
                Simplified: Pause between jumps
                Advanced: Jump into a squat and pull up to switch
Leg Raises
               Simplified: Kept small of back on floor, bend knees
               Advanced: Keep legs perfectly straight, straddle in air, slow on lower
Traveling Lunges
               Simplified: Stay stationary, take time
               Advanced: Use something weighted and rotate with each step

Monday, November 12, 2012

Workout #1: I'm Saving My Life

Adult  Fitness Workout # 1:   
50 seconds on & 30 seconds rest for 3 rounds

(50 seconds work+ 30 seconds rest= 80 seconds per exercise x 5 exercises= 400 seconds per round x 3 rounds= 2000 seconds/ 60= 20 minutes)

Don’t forget to stretch and warm up before and after. Drink lots of water.

Center Squats
                 Simplified:  Use a chair or table for balance and support              
                 Advanced: Alternate between center and wide squats with a small bounce in between
Run w High Knees
                 Simplified: Standing w/ legs shoulder width apart, lift 1 leg as high as you can, alternate
                 Advanced: Put arms behind head, prisoner style
Chair Dips w Leg Lifts
                 Simplified: Keep knees close to body, don’t do leg lifts, go slow                
                 Advanced: Straighten legs, pull legs up straight, engage core, alternate lead leg on lifts
Plank Hold
                 Simplified: Go down to your elbows, when tired go to your knees
                 Advanced: Lower and raise levels, alternate lead arm, hold each plank for 3 seconds
                 Simplified: Keep feet on the ground, when tired hands to floor
                 Advanced: Include something weighted, rotate knees opposite elbows

If possible, keep a journal of your workouts and how many you can complete per round. Push yourself to see if you can maintain the same number of reps per round or add one. If you can't, thats okay. As you get stronger, you will be able to. Baby steps.
You can find most of these exercises on youtube for an example of how each is done.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Adult Fitness Class Agreement:

*We are DONE making up EXCUSES.
*We make a COMMITTMENT to our own HEALTH.
*We own our LIVES and our CHOICES.
*We are willing to CHALLENGE ourselves.
*We are willing to STEP OUT of our comfort zones.
*This is not a competition, we are our OWN mats.
*We support CONFIDENTIALITY. What happens here STAYS here.
*We must go through the PROCESS in order to see the PROMISES.
*Nothing worth having is EASY.

Day 1:
Day 30:
Day 60:
Day 90:
Run with High Knees
(keep chest up/knees high)

Push Ups (core tight/head level)

Jumping Jacks (incl arms/high as possible/ to sides)

Plank Hold (body flat/ arms locked/shldr wrist line up)

Squat Jumps (touch floor/sit back/ 90degree angle)

Lunges (altenate legs/step forward and push off/90d)

Burpees (back flat/ feet in/ reach for sky)

Tuck Jumps (knees as high as possible/ land softly)

Crunches (lift shoulder blades off floor/reach for knees)

Simulated Jump Roping (feet together/ light landing)

FIT Test Instructions

FIT Test Instructions
Warm Up:
1.      Stretch all major muscles groups: neck, arms and back, abs and obliques, legs- hamstrings, calves, quadriceps. Hold each stretch for about 10 seconds.
2.      Run in place lightly for about 30 seconds. Then, rotate arms in big circles forward about 15 seconds and then backwards for about 15 seconds. Repeat both.
Fit Test:
1.      For each exercise, do as many repetitions as you can in 50 seconds.
2.      Record that number under the Day 1 column. Be sure to put the date next to Day 1.
3.      If you need to simplify, take a break or stop, do so and then try to get back into it for however many seconds are left.
4.      Rest for 30 seconds to no more than 1 minute and then move on to the next exercise.
5.      If you need to drink water in between each exercise, take small sips.
Cool Down:
1.      Step touch from side to side for about 1 minute while moving arms in various motions.
2.      Walk slowly and lightly in place for about 30 seconds.
3.      Begin stretches working your way from your legs up.
4.      Walk slowly and lightly in place for another 30 seconds or so until you feel you’re heart rate slow down.
5.      Drink lots of water.
6.      If you eat soon after (within an hour), be sure to eat something that is high in protein and nutritious. Your body was just shocked and it’s going to need the proper fuel for a quick and effective recovery.
7.      Soreness is to be expected as this type of fit test/ workout. Stretch regularly between workouts. Drink lots of water.

You can do this! I believe in you!

Quote of the week: “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.” ~Anonymous